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tv   [untitled]    February 17, 2013 2:00am-2:30am EST

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which is bitterly divided you know. for. someone in the midst of the bloodshed of this morning. is there an answer to this even. the news that dominated the week a once in a century media earth that exploded with the force of more than twenty. in the skies over central russia leaving almost thirteen hundred people injured. fresh violent clashes overshadow attempts at talks and police fired tear gas and hundreds of. activists wondering the two year anniversary of the start of the anti-government demonstrations. and the red rag to the face of the global
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community north korea's sparks outrage by carrying out a third nuclear test despite a u.n. ban and international sanctions. back to mass in arab spring countries a nato do list in afghanistan r.t. takes a look at the global issues president obama wasn't keen to talk about free in his much anticipated state of the union address. and news of the pope is to be the first head of the catholic church to step down in a six centuries course shop across the world the pontiff says his health permits him to fulfill his two terms. you know watching. r t live from moscow with me to one of the bringing you this
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week's the weekly it was of the meteor that became a huge media star and the one event that dominated the headlines at the end of this week shooting and flashing across the skies of central russia is one of the only times a media of such a size has been captured coming to the residence a shot footage from every angle possible as it fell in the your roles the gesso from space also stole the show and the spotlight from an even bigger asteroid that made a record close approach to the earth on friday artes you got a piece can of has been tracking the shooting started. it was like a scene from a movie but with one exception it was real first the brilliant flash this big bright like him shining across the sky you know blinding brighter than the sun the
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skies were lit up by a meteor streaking across the skies above the russian city of over want to have thousand kilometers east of moscow where not just unusual glare on the floor i thought of all lines from a car then we ran to the window saw this strange cloud and then and then this. would turn around and the wall was a gun like someone had moved it the series of massive explosions rocked the entire city damaging buildings and shattering windows. nasa said the explosive force of the media or breaking up was the equivalent of two one to hear oshima bombs over twelve hundred people were injured including over two hundred children mostly from pieces of shattered glass. that already the windows just exploded i saw one girl he had and
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a growing his hand were told to quickly put all clothes on and run out so many were able to film the other three phenomenon later flooding the web with footage as a rumor spread of what it might have been a stricken airplane a satellite that fell out of orbit even the beginning of the and of the world would mrs reported seeing fragments of the crashing all across the region. and so small can there was a weird smell but it was not a fire so i think it's a piece of meteorite and it's small during their know however most of the sighting started out to be ordinary peed bug fires because so far officials have not found any fragments of the meteor for now the immediate priority. he's to look after the injured and repair the damage to buildings especially the broken windows and schools and residential areas as temperatures at marriott's drop below minus fifty so it's going to take time to clear everything out but for now science like this go abstract three or a clear reminder no matter how advanced technology gets no disease often when it
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comes to nature we can only watch helplessly and hope for the best. to hit the planet in a century basically there you can watch how it approach our planet the ten thousand ton flyable and to the atmosphere at the speed of twenty kilometers per second before igniting and finally breaking apart not such objects entering the atmosphere are relatively common but usually they don't make it to the surface is said burning up in the atmosphere it was of course of visible from at least four russian regions but it's made appearances right here in. the busy region where it was on the map you can see the areas that suffered the most from this a fiercely five hundred kilo ton explosion equivalent to more than twenty nuclear
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bombs that's how big it was so today here with me is our cheese a postcard who's going to shed some much more needed light to end what's been going on around the world in terms of who's saying what. paul this has been a media frenzy this i mean the story when it when it went viral it went crazy went worldwide what do you make of it it's the story that had everything is there and it's because of these pictures these dramatic pictures that we can see here that has everything it's got the dramatic lights in the sky and it went worldwide it went global almost instantly it's the nature of modern news in the twenty first century you can see here some of the headlines from all over the globe because as a t.v. journalist. we love good dramatic we love drama we love good pictures and we love stories with human interest and something that's out of the ordinary this happens once every one hundred years we've got the pictures there's human interest angles to it has absolutely everything that's why from germany to the u.s. to south africa it was a truly global story to say you can see some of the headlines that made the world
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the new york times on the screen now you know what's interesting is that it not only was the dramatic headlines they captured us as an audience but it was also how everybody used the smartphones and a social media to actually make fun of what was going on a sense of fun there's a sense of fun i think we're going to see some of the pictures and you can talk through some of the i mean there we go not every reason as we have a bruce willis there that whole ever get in you know that film that he did i don't even want to say what that is but you know they've killed everybody i mean everybody just taking just like kick out of everything and making this even older. to be taking a hit to the i have no idea what rightly say about that we can say use a true he's a man of the outdoors very much so it will go these images these pictures that people will talk today have gone viral instantly that's the nature of say twenty first century news and twitter was the way for eyewitnesses people who were there
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on the scene who were witnessing those bright lights in the sky who were having their windows smashed who were seeing you know their house is literally rocked and they went to twitter as you can see here and again showing a slight sense of humor in a lot in the face of adversity in the face of travel minus seventeen insurance others went on a slight meteor shower so there was a there was a sense of camaraderie and spirit in amongst the four regions that you've mentioned here as a people taking to twitter and that particular story and of course you're right some of yes even aged yes it did i just think it was such a sweet gesture to say you know valentine's day we're not going to let anything spoil it for us and you know what i'm. not abide by you know my my love promised a promise my love a star and staci literally literally do you think that people would have taken the advantage to go out to the site and actually pick up some of the pieces that were thrown out by the meter right and sell them well we wouldn't have wanted out of the
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moment but in a very very shortly but the media itself talking about social networking staying with that for the second has its own twitter page as you can see here. we were talking about the unite people selling p.s.y. in pieces the meter has its own twitter page as well so it's a truly all encompassing story you know they go so every story literally become a star on its own here and. putting the fun you know to one side is really good that the people of chile have in school are able to you know see the the bright side of this if you. despite twelve hundred people injured it could have been a lot worse i mean we can see the the image is that. it was the it was the shock wave that caused the damage there wasn't the meteorite itself to explain the difference between meteors and meteorites the meteor is what enters the earth's atmosphere you can see some of the problems in the damage it caused but when it breaks up in the atmosphere if anything collides with earth that's a meteorite
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a longer a meteor as the meteorite they haven't found any meteorites yet but this damage the damage to the windows in the foundations of the buildings being rocked that was caused by by the shockwave and it could have been a lot worse because it is a region that's known for its nuclear facilities there are dozens of nuclear facilities one in particular the mayak atomic waste storage and treatment center which has had a catastrophe a couple of catastrophes in the past one hundred fifty seven there was one in particular an explosion and the fallout is still being felt from that so there was a real fear among residents unsure of the audience that this could have led to something but thankfully they have fired. a spokesman for more also tom saying that . the levels of radiation are a normal level of the this is an order of the russian sort of situation now we spoke we've spoken to different experts about what they've made of the situation obviously scientists are very excited about this and law lawrence maxwell cross
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from the school of earth and space exploration says this was an event of huge scientific interest. maybe there is an asteroids are a common many of them come from the outer part of our solar system perturbations from the planet jupiter and other planets there's a huge. store of comments asteroids out outside the orbits of jupiter and outside in fact the outer solar system some of them periodically get disturbed by the gravity of the inner planets and get sent in word some of them are big balls of ice and become comets others are big balls of rock and the impact on mars and the earth and the moon and. what's fascinating is actually you could if you can collect some of this material some of it is primordial if we actually detect it and we can we can get it right after it falls we can actually measure material that hasn't been processed since the solar system formed four to have billion years ago so for scientists it's
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a fascinating event and i'm happy that people weren't killed by it but if some of that material can be recovered it will be incredibly interesting and important for scientists. a fascinating event indeed but i mean was this the first time that something to this magnitude is that the happening. for scientists is as we have but not the first time the last time that a meteorite of they scale collided with planet also coincidentally had to be in russia happened to be in russia in nineteen eight and the interesting difference is that we had i guess they're saying that we need to get hold of these meter if we need to try and find it so we can do some research on it it took a decade to research as to visit this area nineteen i like ten years later and the research was it wasn't found maybe it was that world will one of the the civil war the russian revolution but whatever research was was discovered was was lost along the way so the importance of friday's meteorite company underestimated that's incredible all right well we'll leave it right there i'm sure a lot of people still be talking about this meteorite full it's another one so we
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have the absolutely. right here in the studio with me. and there have been fresh clashes as police used tear gas against hundreds of protesters on to the stones and find bombs this comes following the funeral of a teenager who was allegedly shot by florentines earlier this week during a rally marking two years the struggle for anti-government undressed in the country the violence was modeled week all told by the mostly shiite muslim opposition and the sunni dominated government. demanding an end to the ruling family political domination but london based activities you don't need probably caps and there are a few signs of the country's leaders generally one three four. we're looking at two
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years in which we've seen no reform we've seen nothing change i mean we started this uprising two years ago. on that day the first martyr of the uprising was killed and now two years later on the same day the fourteenth of february another teenager has been killed and this me and shows and displayed the lokpal bill for continuous human rights abuses the continuous repression taking place on the streets about brain it's good that dialogue has come back on the agenda and there is discussions happening but it seems that you know this latest latest escalation of security against the people is going to possibly provide. within the ruling family i think of course there are those who simply want to please the international community to say look we're having this dialogue and there is not a great thing was continuing group of violations on the street. it's been exactly two years or since libya was plunged into revolutionary chaos while those who called the change
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a haven the rise to power by the libyans deprived of their homes and security claim there's no polls up for jubilation that's off the shelf great. technology innovations all the developments from around russia we've got the future covered. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know. welcome to the big picture.
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he is easy to it's. easy. to. feel watching. us. north korea is reportedly preparing for more atomic tests and despite international and off they detonated a third nuclear device and choose day long and describe the move as an effort to show up its national security and save that is so venti against what it called a drage as u.s. hostility the communist state is already laboring under heavy international
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sanctions and has been banned from any such activities by the u.n. the country had previously carried out to atomic tests and is believed to possess a small stockpile of nuclear warheads the u.n. security council unanimously condemned north korea's action and pledged to beef up sanctions against asia base independent news added to james cobbett says the timing of the test raises many questions. really i think going to fall into a lot of diplomatic pressure on china to use its leverage with north korea and it's and i imagine that officials in beijing must have known that this this was coming probably in the next two days and it certainly is it couldn't have happened at a worse time internationally speaking it's the lunar new year in china so basically buter country is on holiday and in the u.s. so you there is no confirmed secretary of defense or central intelligence director so it's a very interesting time throw that through into that the wild card of xi jinping we don't know much about him or how he's going to leave china and the fact that kim
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jong un is a relatively new leader as well you also have the new or big government in japan and there's a lot of wildcards in this mix to see how this is going to shake out but i think on the question of china specifically if they have a lot of pressure that they can put on north korea. and the most important speech in the american political calendar calendar president obama look to get both the old makers and the electorate onside in the first state of the union address as his reelection obama talked about the fate of arab spring countries and expanded plans to bring home troops from afghanistan which is the end she can has been listening to what the president had to say. in a state of the union speech president obama outlined some of the external threats that the country is facing first of all pair of spreading to different parts of the world and what he said although the u.s. is pulling troops out of afghanistan america's war on terror will continue to listen this is true different al qaeda affiliates in extremist groups have emerged from the peninsula to africa the threat these groups pose is involved.
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but to meet this threat we don't need to send tens of thousands of our sons and daughters abroad occupying other nations we will continue to take direct action against those terrorists who pose the greatest threat to americans although there was no mentioning of the word drones everyone knew that's what the president meant when saying direct with no u.s. troops involved what he did not talk about was the limits for this war that they've ministration his waging with the remote control the justification that. john brennan's words. don't punish people for past guilt strike before they take action that offers a very broad scope for the use of drones to afghanistan president obama wants to leave some troops on the ground twenty fourteen when they're supposed to be all out in the speech you mentioned ongoing negotiations with the afghan government on that issue to be a hard bargain because the afghan government wrists further spearing anger of their
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own population over foreign military presence one could sense a change maybe even your concern as the president on the results of the revolution in the arab world he said it's quote unquote messy he said to us cannot dictate the course of changing countries like very very briefly pressure on syria there was a change of. remember how the u.s. was cheerleading for revolutions in those countries just a year ago with radical forces gaining momentum in places like syria like libya maybe the changes that the administration sees now in the region are not much to their liking among other threats america faces the president talked about. he said he had issued an executive order to protect government agencies for structure from cyber attacks but he did not mention is how the u.s. government itself is carrying out cyber attacks like the reported cyber attack on iran's nuclear program while there is no proof that they're building
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a bomb this administration said it would view a serious cyber attack. yes the united states is an act of war but apparently when the u.s. carries out the attack it should not be seen as an act of war. pope benedict the sixteenth announce his resignation on a shock move to add to the start of this week he says ill health forced him to make the decision becoming the first pope to resign in six hundred yes his papacy has been a plagued by scandal most notably accusations of a broad cover up of child abuse within the catholic church and to abuse campaign a barbara daryn says the pope didn't do enough to address paedophilia during his eight years in the position. we believe that he order of words he showed there were still from the priesthood he apologized to the victims but he took no action he didn't discipline a single church official for hiding enabling children to produce for you know moving them from country to country from dies used to dies so on till he does that
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nothing has changed and we believe the words were just empty empty promises we have a bishop in the united states that was convicted of child endangerment and is still being allowed to run a diocese the message is clear if you follow the company line if you keep this secret if you put the reputation of the church above this of the children then you will be promoted what a terrible message to send many people no longer trust church officials like they did in the past and that's a very sad statement that you can't trust your bishops chaos and confusion that's how some libyan activists playing the situation in north african stated two years after it was first in golf by the bloody revolution foreign backed rebels eventually achieved their goal of toppling the longtime leader colonel gadhafi but why are they now so few voices hailing the demise of the dictator now it is a missile now it has been finding out. from margaret i think has lost legitimacy to
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lead and he must leave the shoot at their feet is impossible to imagine a future for libya with get daffy still in power he must go. well gadhafi is long gone and we don't need to imagine but can take a close look the revolt which began in benghazi was followed by an eight month nato bombing campaign costing thousands of lives and left libya torn apart drowning in conflict and suffocating in stagnation still rich in oil libya economically is a mess despite rampant unemployment and an overwhelming housing crisis huge construction projects are on hold and violence reigns if you look at the country before the bombardment and the invasion by nato and nato supported militias. the country now you can clearly see that the country is suffering from the front
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problems the not exist before the country's infrastructure has been destroyed and you have militias running. freely on the streets. people killing people and doing whatever they want so yes a lot has changed but not for the better amnesty international describes tribalism post gadhafi as armed militias acting completely out of control hundreds of them across the country arresting people without warrant detaining them incommunicado and torturing them all these points gadhafi was accused of by the rebels and the west now the watchdog says this is happening while the government is unwilling or unable to rein the militias in another problem is the south in december libya closed off its borders with algeria niger chad and sudan citing a deterioration of security and declared the region a military zone well recently a video has emerged of representatives of the south libyan tribes declaring
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independence for the region the federation of south libya they claim the government has failed to secure the inside of the country and borders and this is a result of stalled economic activity and discontinue a. and of essential infrastructure projects that have been driven by international partners well it's still not clear how that news is being taken in tripoli but it can bodes well for any chance of stability and finally who is reaping the fruits of this revolution well some analysts say it's an economic powerhouse putting lots of money into the region that the west just doesn't have while at the same time benefiting from their military efforts it's china the chinese have no boots on the ground they have no more use their. military. the west country so two years after the revolution for libya the only certainty is still gadhafi is gone. check out our website for more on this story
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the timeline of the nato backed revolution in libya and its consequences as well as more expert analysis all the. and breaking we have a special report on the murky areas of european democracy stay with us. some countries want oil but that's kid stuff who needs oil when you could secure the world's largest supply of trucker dero soda located exclusively in sweden and
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meeting sweden for absolutely no logical reason is a possible you say well supreme commander of the swedish armed forces general sphere guru and son must have watched red dawn too many times because he thinks the russians are a common general durance and declared that if invaded by russia sweden wouldn't be able to last a week against the onslaught therefore sweden must immediately join nato he said that currently it is not quite possible to invade sweden but due to the two thousand and eight war with georgia it is possible for russia to somehow push through established european borders bring their forces up to sweden's gates putting the generals country in danger but guess what according to your own council of the european union georgia started the war so by that logic if the two thousand and one with georgia is the example of the future then don't kill russian peacekeeping troops and you'll have nothing to worry about but general goran so also made the point that president putin is rearming the russian army hinting at a threat of being heavily armed to defend yourself is
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a bad scary thing then joining up with nato seems to be pretty hypocritical if the people of sweden want to join nato well that is their choice but they shouldn't be tricked into having their taxpayers pay for their sons to die in afghanistan. you start totally bogus arguments that make no sense but that's just my opinion. every six months there was an e.u. summit and every six months that your team it's just a few days before. location and date were kept confidential the booking was made two years in advance. left behind was a clear message to the following you summit on the heads of governments
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a few days later. adopt the single market the monetary union infrastructure projects a flexible labor market deregulation downsize public services austerity measures and so on and so on the whole your liberal agenda for them basically our picture got confirmed by an american scholar stepping into the topic maria green cards i was interested in doing something about your can something about the european union i started talking with some of the c.e.o.'s and in particular the corporate affairs managers of these firms to ask them what happened and everybody had a little piece of the story and then i met with keith richardson. keith and i would talk about different things and he would give me some ideas and i'd go and i'd talk with other individuals and then i'd.


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